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Grades 9 -12: Gita for Me

calendarSep 10, 2023 - May 12, 2024

clock09:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST

  • Sunday

$365.00 per family

Location: CMSA Ashram
9086 Vista Verde
San Antonio, TX 78255

Chinmaya Mission San Antonio


The Bhagavad Geeta is a timeless masterpiece which is still very applicable in today's world. Through this course, the students will explore the different chapters of the Bhagavad Geeta and how to apply them in daily life. Topics in this course include: facing challenges, discovering our real selves, the essence of karma yoga, understanding the goal of life, being our best selves etc. 

Additional Information:

  1. Each participating family will pay a donation amount of $750 as the payment towards the 2023-24 session.
  2. Donation amount is inclusive of up to four members of the immediate family.
  3. For siblings to be included in your family donation, make sure you register all children in the same cart. Appropriate sibling adjustment is applied at the time of checkout.
  4. Use "Add More" button to add classes for each child, as appropriate.


Entering 9th through 12th grade in Fall 2023

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