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Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 5 Karma Sannyasa Yoga
Online Sessions - Mondays

drag-child Adults

calendarFeb 20, 2023 - Jun 12, 2023

clock06:30 PM - 08:00 PM EST

  • Monday

  • Attendee(s): $0.00


Location: This program is online

Chinmaya Mission New York


Brahmacharini Shubhani Chaitanya will be conducting Vedanta Study Group online via Zoom video conferencing. The Zoom link to join the online session will be sent to registered participants. 


The Gita is one of the most widely translated and commented upon scriptures of the world. It is a revelation to humanity by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, a friend and disciple at a critical moment of his life.  It is a universal scripture containing various strands of teachings suited to all types of people at their stages of development.  It teaches the Supreme Goal to be attained as well as the means for attaining it. To purchase a copy of the book, please visit,


This class is for seekers who have basic knowledge of Vedanta and are looking to gain a deeper understanding of the Self and their spiritual journey. Most of the students of this class have studied the previous chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. If you haven't done so or if you wish to review, please visit  for class videos.

Additional Information:


What is the discipline required for this satsang?

-Although you may be at your homes, please consider this a sacred satsang and find a silent spot to listen to the discourses. No food/drink/phones etc during satsang. In other words, no distractions whatsoever

-Please keep yourself on mute the entire time

-Please ensure that your video camera is on so that we can see you

-Please ensure your first name and last name is clearly mentioned so we know who you are.


If you have further questions,


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