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Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 7
Online Sessions - Tuesdays

drag-child Adults

calendarSep 06, 2022 - Jun 06, 2023

clock08:00 PM - 09:00 PM EST

  • Tuesday

  • Attendee(s): $0.00


Location: This program is online

Chinmaya Mission New York


Dr. Jatin Kapadia will be conducting Bhagavad Gita Study Group online via Zoom video conferencing. The Zoom link to join the online session will be sent to registered participants. To purchase a copy of the book, please visit


Please confirm further dates with Vivek Gupta
408 693 5171


Tips for those who are new to zoom:

How do I join a Zoom meeting?

-If you have not done so, please download and install the software called 'Zoom' which enables you to join the satsang. It will only take a few minutes

-Please make sure your computer has a video camera and the audio is working. Consider joining at  10 minutes earlier to ensure that everything is working well.


Additional Information:


What is the discipline required for this satsang?

-Although you may be at your homes, please consider this a sacred satsang and find a silent spot to listen to the discourses. No food/drink/phones etc during satsang. In other words, no distractions whatsoever

-Please keep yourself on mute the entire time

-Please ensure that your video camera is on so that we can see you

-Please ensure your first name and last name is clearly mentioned so we know who you are.


If you have further questions,

Contact: Vivek Gupta - 408 693 5171

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