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MBV Hindi Program - Shivam Class
Uptown Bala Vihar - Hindi Program

calendarSep 18, 2021 - Jun 25, 2022

clock10:00 AM - 10:50 AM EST

  • Saturday

$100.00 per student

Chinmaya Mission New York

Location: This program is online


Welcome to the MBV Hindi Program AY2021-22! We look forward to another exciting, fun-filled year with you and your children. The goals of the Hindi Program are:

  1. To foster enthusiasm for Indian culture through Hindi
  2. To give children the confidence and ability to speak Hindi actively, especially at home, with grandparents or other relatives, and on the streets of India
  3. To help children explore Indian culture on their own, such as by watching popular movies and tv shows, or by singing and understanding bhajans

The curriculum will focus on conversational ability and foundational literacy, and feature hands-on games and activities. Short "home-fun" assignments may also be given to help children and families keep the learning going at home. आओ, साथ में हिन्दी सीखो! 

Additional Information:

  1. All classes will be conducted via Zoom in Fall 2021. If it is safe to meet in person starting January 2022, we will share an update at that time.
  2. Please be advised that no portion of the Hindi tuition is tax deductible.
  3. If you have more than one child, please register each child for their appropriate class. Use "Add More" button in cart to add classes for each child. 


The Shivam class is intended for children who were enrolled in the Shivam class during AY2020-21. Families who are new to Bala Vihar, or to the Hindi program, should send an email to before registering, to find out which class would be best for them. Note that students who, as of Sept 2021, are younger than 5 years old and/or who have not yet started KG would not be eligible for Hindi.