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Alphabet Safari
Queens Long Island Bala Vihar, Grades K & 1

calendarSep 19, 2021 - Jun 12, 2022

clock10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST

  • Sunday

$300.00 Initial payment for 2021-22 session

Chinmaya Mission New York

Location: This program is online


Each lesson is based on a specific letter and associated theme (example: A is for Aspiration)

  • To teach kindergarten-aged children simple values & discipline through the English alphabet
  • To have fun living these principles!
  • To begin learning basic prayers, along with their meaning
  • To understand the Chinmaya Mission Pledge  and its underlying values

Additional Information:

  1. Each participating family will pay a donation amount of $250 as the initial payment towards the 2021-22 session, when registering on or before 31-July-2021; the donation amount will be $300 after 31-July-2021. If in-person classes resume in January 2022, an additional amount will be due at that time and this will be communicated separately. Donation amount is for all members of the immediate family.
  2. For siblings to be included in your family donation, make sure you register all children in the same cart. Appropriate sibling adjustment is applied at the time of checkout.
  3. Use "Add More" button to add classes for each child, as appropriate.


This class is for kids entering Grades K &/or 1 in 2021-22